Synonym: about, approximately, around, close to, just about, more or less, roughly, some. Similar words: for sure, for sale, at worst, endorse, person, ever so, out of doors, in person. Meaning: adv. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct.
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91. Education is being pushed more towards being an instrument of national policy, or so it would appear to an outsider.
92. Every month or so a pair will be despatched to meet established contacts in Manchester or Liverpool.
93. Driving away into the city streets, she'd never felt so alone or so friendless in her entire life.
94. The 300 or so brick kilns of Juarez are just part of the problem.
95. The new hospital will care for the annual 3,000 or so wildlife casualties in the area.
96. This was announced at our February meeting and was met with great approval from the fifty or so members present.
97. Every master directly addressed only some ten or so assistants, who in turn taught the pupils.
98. A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below.
99. A mere seventy air-miles or so away, a major battle was being conducted in the province of Phuoc Long.
100. It would appear that edited departmental lists only accounted for £800 or so of the total allocation.
101. In 20 years or so, Frelich believes, restoration ecology will become far more acceptable among professional foresters.
102. Soon he begins to get angry at the people involved in the incident for being so careless or so heartless.
103. Check every 20 minutes or so that the water has not boiled away and, if so, replenish with boiling water.
104. Some women find a cup of strong coffee every hour or so helpful, as it helps them pass more water.
105. There has been among psychologists a considerable change of attitude in this regard during the past three-quarters of a century or so.
106. In a year or so three of these young men will be killed in collisions.
107. Every two blocks or so he would leave the parade to renew an old acquaintanceship or foment a new one.
108. Minor movements of less than a hundred metres or so are probably best regarded as interruptions in one main cycle.
109. Up to the sixteenth century or so(, most people in Britain lived in the countryside.
110. Every ten minutes or so she would hear the tortured scream of the transmission and randomly change gears.
111. The jute tips were capped by an ethereal green mist, through which a dozen or so fist-sized stars peeked.
112. In the past year or so they have launched major design and marketing efforts for factory automation systems.
113. To improve your tank water quality, do a series of water changes, on alternate days for a week or so.
114. When men arrived at Cu Chi, they received a week or so of additional training.
115. The wild boar had been hiding behind a large and actually rather unconvincing bush for a hundred years or so.
116. A year or so later the guitars that really killed the Levin came in - the first flat-top Yamaha acoustics.
117. Cover and cook in the oven for twenty minutes or so. 4.
118. The second crop was of underwood and coppice, with felling taking place at intervals of seven years or so.
119. Beyond the pine, and a little lower on the cliff, a dozen or so bushes grew from a wide fissure.
120. The Brazos River in Texas is said to change its course abruptly once every ten years or so.
More similar words: for sure, for sale, at worst, endorse, person, ever so, out of doors, in person, personal, personally, personnel, the first person.